Thursday, 29 November 2012

This is an acrylic painting from a photograph with shallow depth of field. I chose to replicate this by bringing the Cyclamen into the foreground using underpainting to gradually deepen the colours to make it look more realistic.  I used acrylic in the background but in looser brushstrokes that merged into one another.

 I tried to apply the acrylic in a watercolour consistency gradually building up layers with some success.
This page started off with the right hand top image in pencil and water soluble black pen in a mixture of crosshatching and using a damp brush to move the ink about.  I was unsure of it at first so I replicated the image in 2b and 4b pencil capturing the delicateness and the strength of the Cyclamen.  This was done on a prepared page using emulsion white and yellow with watercolour over the top to produce a resist of the two mediums.

This is a close up of a Cyclamen head looking in towards the stamens.  Again i built up the colours as in underpainting to create depth and texture.

I wanted this and the image below to show how delicate the petals and the colours are on most varieties of Cyclamen.  I think I have achieved this with the lower flower above and the buds on the image below.

I sketched this Cyclamen using 2b and 4b pencil.  This typically shows the delicacy of this beautiful flower.  I used some crosshatching and rubbing the lead in.