A slightly different angle from the one above this image. I have started to paint the spots with a Cochineal a pinky/red acrylic paint. Under the that I've used a pale wash of Primary Magenta for the spots and I also used a baby wipe around the edges of the spots to soften the edges. I used a wash of Primary Magenta and Paynes Grey for the subtle shading and marks on the petals.
I think the image below looks quite fierce in the intensity of colour and brush strokes. I have found it quite difficult to blend the brush strokes so that they look more natural from the top of the petals, but I feel I've almost got it. The only thing I'm not too sure about is that the top of this petal on the photograph is dark like I've done here, but the part underneath is too red, whereas on the photo it looks pinky. I may change this before deciding it's finished.
I feel the image below would also make a good composition in its own right.
Almost there and I have to say I'm pleased with the result. I like the softness and fairly regular shapes of the petals against the random marks of the foliage. I feel it works well as a contrast and the colours I've chosen to use also add to the the overall effect.
I'm not sure about the image above as to whether it would make a good enough composition, but I find it interesting to look at. I have added more red Cochineal to some of the spots mixed with Gloss Gel Medium to help the paint move around more easily. It also adds a sheen to them making the spots stand out more.
I like this image of the strong contrast of the top of the petal against the spots. My primary aim was to highlight the delicacy of the petals against the background.
The petals look huge and dominate all of this image set off by the narrow background running to the right hand side.
The image above should have been rotated before uploading, but it nonetheless looks effective.
I took this image across the right hand side to show that the painting goes round the edges of the box camera. The canvas although taken at an unusual angle wouldn't look out of place this way up, which I find a little odd, but it has given me food for thought.
This is the other side of the canvas showing how I've extended the detail onto the sides.
The image above is almost identical to one above, but shows a slightly different composition. Strong lower petals against a strong background and softer upper petals.
Virtually done. I have added more Primary Magenta again as I wasn't satisfied with the bottom top petal. I'm not sure yet but i may knock it back a little with a watery white wash. I will decide tomorrow morning before taking the finished piece to show my client. Let's hope he likes it.